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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
联系方式:(0531) 883 69786
- [1] . EFFECTIVE DECORRELATION OF HECKE EIGENFORMS. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2024.
- [2] 黄炳荣. Joint distribution of Hecke eigenforms. ArXiv Preprint, 23 pp, 2024.
- [3] 华晟昊 , 黄炳荣 and 李良汛. Joint value distribution of Hecke--Maass forms. ArXiv Preprint, 22 pp, 2024.
- [4] 黄炳荣 and 李良汛. Mixed moments of GL(2) and symmetric square L-functions. ArXiv preprint, 25 pp, 2024.
- [5] 黄炳荣. Uniform bounds for GL(3)×GL(2) L-functions. J. Inst. Math. Jussieu, 23, 1607--1650, 2024.
- [6] 黄炳荣. Effective decorrelation of Hecke eigenforms. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 377, 6669--6693, 2024.
- [7] 黄炳荣. The cubic moment of Hecke--Maass cusp forms and moments of L-functions. Math. Ann., 389, 899--945, 2024.
- [8] 黄炳荣. On the Rankin--Selberg problem, II. Q. J. Math., 75, 1--10, 2024.
- [9] 华晟昊 and 黄炳荣. Extreme central L-values of almost prime quadratic twists of elliptic curves. Sci. China Math., 66, 2755--2766, 2023.
- [10] 华晟昊 and 黄炳荣. Lower bounds for moments of quadratic twisted self-dual GL(3) central L-values. Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 38, 2139--2148, 2023.
- [11] 黄炳荣 and 徐钊. Hybrid subconvexity bounds for twists of GL(3)×GL(2) L-functions. Algebra Number Theory, 17, 1715--1752, 2023.
- [12] 黄炳荣 , 孙庆峰 and 张慧敏. Analytic twists of GL_2×GL_2 automorphic forms. Math. Nachr., 296, 2366--2394, 2023.
- [13] Daniel El-Baz , 黄炳荣 and Min Lee. Effective joint equidistribution of primitive rational points on expanding horospheres. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 25, 2295--2317, 2023.
- [14] 华晟昊 and 黄炳荣. Determination of GL(3) cusp forms by central values of quadratic twisted L-functions. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2023, 7976--8007, 2023.
- [15] 黄炳荣 and Stephen Lester. Quantum variance for dihedral Maass forms. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 376, 643--695, 2023.
- [16] 黄炳荣 , 林永晓 and 王志伟. Averages of coefficients of a class of degree 3 L-functions. Ramanujan J., 57, 79--91, 2022.
- [17] 黄炳荣. On the Rankin--Selberg problem. Math. Ann., 381, 1217--1251, 2021.
- [18] 黄炳荣. Quantum variance for Eisenstein Series. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2021, 1224--1248, 2021.
- [19] 黄炳荣. Hybrid subconvexity bounds for twisted L-functions on GL(3). Sci. China Math., 64, 443--478, 2021.
- [20] Olga Balkanova , 黄炳荣 and Anders Södergren. Non-vanishing of Maass form L-functions at the critical point. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 149, 509--523, 2021.